fig out

英 [fɪɡ aʊt] 美 [fɪɡ aʊt]

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  1. The weekend statement maintained a fig leaf of corporate independence by saying only that the government would "encourage" operators to carry out its suggested mergers.
  2. In this paper, big-leaved fig wasps fly out of the formation of channel-depth research to on the tree-fig wasp coevolution valuable basis for research.
  3. The richly fig out young woman stand out at the party.
  4. De Plume is our special fig, always tempting to blow out the weathering and whatnot, but I want them all to have the same feel.



  1. put on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive
    1. She never dresses up, even when she goes to the opera
    2. The young girls were all fancied up for the party

    Synonym:    overdressdress upfig updeck upgussy upfancy uptrick updeck outtrick outprinkattireget uprig outtog uptog out